Suzi Hammer

Yoga philosophy teaches us that the foundation of Joy, or Santosha, is contentment, acceptance, and awe. How do we find this joy? We come back to the simple things in life where we are present.
For me, it is the woods…hiking with my dog, Sammy, exploring new areas like the Porcupine Mountains or Sylvania Wilderness, sitting by the fire I just made when I camp, and Yoga. All of these times have one thing in common, they bring me back to my true self. The Buddha said it so well….
“Praise and blame, gain and loss, pleasure and sorrow come and go like the wind. To be happy, rest like a giant tree in the midst of them all.”
Yoga is a journey, and the journey becomes a story. My story begins in a bookstore on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin, where I was attending the Univ. of Wisconsin. I was drawn to a small black paperback book called Siddhartha. I picked it up and found I was comforted by the words that I was reading, so I bought the book and put it in my backpack, where it remained for the rest of my time at Madison. I would take the book out regularly as I sat on Bascom Hill between classes and read for however long I had time. I would read it to the end and then start it again as the words and story comforted me. I didn’t find out until years later that Siddhartha was the Buddha and the story was his life and teachings. As I reflect back, I realize that it was the beginning to my quest for the Truth and the question “Who am I”.
Who Am I?
Suzi Hammer, E-RYT 500, YACEP, CPT
"Suzi Hammer is a joyous, accomplished yoga instructor. She has an authentic style of yoga crafted over 20 years, which embraces all levels, and draws from many yoga traditions, including Hatha, Iyengar, Yin, and Restorative. Suzi's energy and inspiration is to have her students practice with curiosity and playfulness as they discover their own unique body, while improving balance, strength, flexibility, and nurturing the mind-body-spirit connection. Her infectious passion for yoga's incredible journey, allows for possibility and growth for the individual student. Read More...

The Scriptures and Vedanta are the source for the teachings within this website. It is a personal interpretation as well as interpretations from others. But always remember, it is study, hard work and practice that will take you to that higher consciousness of contentment and true happiness. Meditation is the boat that can take you there.

This website and Yoga School would never had manifested without the incredible teachings that I have studied and practiced. That being said, I would like to recognize all the ancient seers, rishis, and teachers of the past, with humble admiration and devotion, for their wisdom and knowledge, including Krishnamacharya, Desikachar, Iyengar, Paramhansa Yogananda, Swami Rama, Vivekananda, Patanjali (and so many more).
It is their teachings which help me understand and live my true nature. This is a daily practice for me, which has included workshops and pilgrimages furthering my understanding of these Truth teachings.
I would also like to acknowledge with deep gratitude the guides and teachers who conducted these workshops and retreats, including Rod Stryker, Todd Norian, Shiva Rea, Rodney Lee, Erich Schifmann, Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, Sandra Anderson, Doug Keller, Shari Friedrichson, (and all the others), for their passion and caring to pass on this light to myself and others. Together they remain an influential source to my personal growth and insights as a teacher.
I also want to thank my personal friend, Darcy Lanz Sage, for her never ending support of my endeavors, her positive outlook, and cherished friendship. ~ Namaste.
“I want to unfold. Let no place in me hold itself closed, for where I am closed, I am false.” ~ Ranier Maria Rilke