Welcome to "The Path," a blog where we delve into ancient wisdom teachings and explore their relevance in our modern lives. At the core of this journey is the transformative practice of yoga, as Yoga is a liberation teaching, given to us to help free us from the dramas and emotions of our daily lives. In embarking on this path, two essential qualities must be present: desire and a steadfast commitment to practice. Our ultimate aim is to attain self-knowledge and awareness, not to dazzle others with our achievements, but to harmonize our spirit with our thoughts and actions, leading to a more fulfilling existence.
Spiritual Mindfulness
We hear the word mindfulness in our daily discussions, on the TV and radio. But, what does it mean to become mindful in a spiritual way? As we all search for happiness. peace and well-being, a component of this search is being aware and present to our path. When we bring another dimension to it, it ultimately means to discover how to bring joy to ourselves and joy to the world around us. So, when we think about our practice, there are touchstones. It is the touchstones In our practice help us understand the larger scheme of things, and where we are in that scheme, and that is the beginning of spiritual mindfulness.
Dharma: One of the touchstones is Dharma, which involves asking “why am I here? What's my place in this world?” And according to, traditional yoga. We each have a unique reason to be here. We have a unique role to play. And when we're serving our highest interest, we honor the best interest of the world.
So, if our practice is not helping us do that, then we might want to think of abandoning it and try a different path, because unless we are doing this, we do not have a purpose. So, it's important to practice to have a level of courage to act dharmically. Practice is about making good decisions when you are not practicing.
That's why Dharma is a very important piece to spiritual mindfulness. It basically is to have clarity. To practice Dharma to live our life's purpose, to make decisions that contribute to our joy and ultimately to others. Self-Mastery is a very important touchstone.
If we look at the Tantra era of the yoga tradition, It's to expand safely. To achieve and embody our potential and to skillfully use our Prana or our energy. So having Prana Shakti in our navel when we need it to be available, then use it skillfully….this is spiritual mindfulness…to manage and to utilize energy, that helps us expand. Everything is energy. And when we begin to tap in to that very important element, we begin again to come back to that spiritual mindfulness. The purpose of yoga is to know the mind so that we can embrace the parts that serve us and discard the ones that don't.
Knowledge: Another touchhstone is knowledge or science. This has been cultivated over a millennium. There is a incredible knowledge base for us to refer back to. We don't know what we don't know. So It's important to be able to have a reliable source that can help guide you in your personal Journey. If you don’t have a teacher, you can begin with the Yamas and Niyamas, which are the moral and social disciplines that include self-study. To study the self is to obtain this knowledge to help us move forward in the best way that we can to bring us joy.
Agni: Another Touchstone. Is what the yogis call Agni. Agni is our fire… our fire inside of us, and our work is to become bright fire, a great light. When we use the right practice in the right way, it brightens us . It makes us come to the right place, and many times it is through our crisis's and disappointments.
And as we get older, we have two choices. We can become stiffer or more inflexible, both in mind and body or we can soften And if we use life's experiences, we can use it like fire, and use it to brighten us. We can realize that we are the fire. We have an opportunity to transform. The sacred becomes more real. Life becomes more sacred. So, the fire in us…ever burning, helps us use it in the best way to help us move forward. The nature of reality is Joy, or what the yogis called Shree, It's the state where fire consumes the Ego that translates to happiness.
There's a sacred eternal beauty, and that is the nature of reality. When we have spiritual mindfulness, we begin to see the world as beautiful. When our fire or Agni begins to consume the Ego, we can experience this Shree. So until our fire is bright enough, we can't really see it. But in time, we will become it. We become the transformation. Staying in spiritual mindfulness, you know that Agni is bright when you have more Shree. You stop feeling alone. We are open to everything, including disappointment and crises. We let the fire burn it out with our practice.. From the highest wisdom, it is passed from generation to generation, that taking the flame in your own heart, and lighting the flame in others, is sharing the gift given to us.
So I wish you all well on your journey of spiritual mindfulness. To keep in your heart the Shree or Joy. and allow the Agni in you to disseminate the ego….. To live your Dharma and strive to answer the question “”Why am I here? What's my place in the world? What is my practice?”
Please join me in living our life’s purpose and using our energy, our Shakti, to help us manage and expand and to know the mind. and embrace the parts that serve us and discard the ones that don't. And also to continually cultivate that knowledge base.
These tools, these gifts are for all of us to use, but the practice is not an easy one. You have to have that dedication and commitment. But if you do and practice, personal liberation, peace and contentment can be yours…It all starts with opening your mind and heart to the teachings…. I wish you all well on your journey.